Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Headington
Using neuroscience to improve mental health and enhance wellbeing
Frequently Asked Question
CBT (Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy)
CBT is an established, psychological therapy with a strong evidence base which aims to help clients lead happier, more fulfilling lives by learning how to change unhelpful thought patterns. CBT therapists teach clients to examine their personal ‘rules for living’ – their core beliefs. Clients learn to question the veracity of their thoughts and feelings in response to different experiences during therapy. Cognitive exercises reveal the relationship between thoughts, moods and behaviours.
In CBT, clients the go on to learn in ‘behaviour experiments’ – that making even small changes to daily activities can gradually lead to big improvements in their patterns of thinking, ultimately leading to happier living.
a Courses of CBT vary in length depending on the client’s needs and personal circumstances. Clients usually have a one hour session with a CBT therapist each week and are assigned ‘homework’ including gradual behaviour changes. Changes in behaviours and associated changes of thoughts and feelings are recorded by the client in a journal. These records are used for detailed discussion at the next session. Successful CBT is characterised when behaviour changes bring about improvements in mood and thought patterns – so moving the client toward wellness.
However sometimes, over time, the original problems can return or a new difficulty may arise. When this happens more CBT or a course of antidepressant medication are sometimes needed.
MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy)
MBCT takes a different path:- the mindfulness practices and cognitive exercises included draw upon ancient wisdom supported by cutting edge brain-imaging and psychological science. Mindfulness helps us learn how to stabilise our attention in the present moment, allowing us to experience more clearly the interconnectedness of our thoughts, emotions, body sensations and impulses. We learn to accept thoughts as just thoughts and to observe the inner workings of the mind and body together as we live our lives. Bit by bit – we learn live more in the present moment (the only moment we truly own) instead of ‘time-travelling’ – worrying about the future or regretting past events or what might have been. In MBCT personal histories and beliefs are not disclosed – only our experiences in body and mind in the present moment (or recalled following mindfulness practice) are explored.
In MBCT, clients enrol in one of the evidence-based pathways – the weekly session duration is fixed but varies between different courses. There may be an optional silent ‘Deepening Practice’ mini-retreat day offered within some MBCT courses.
Evidence shows that many clients find that the skills learned in MBCT help them get through difficulties in the future – having learned how to pause and choose to respond mindfully rather than react on ‘automatic pilot’. MBCT is adopted in the UK by NICE as a treatment of choice for patients with recurrent depression. In more recent clinical studies MBCT has been shown to be equally as effective as both antidepressants and CBT for depression. And for all of us finding our way through life’s difficulties MBCT offers a route towards flourishing.
About Me
Certified Practitioner
I hold a degree in Human Physiology from the University of Aberdeen and have worked in patient-facing roles in Oxford hospitals for 25 years (click ‘My Story to if you want to find out more about me – and how I came to mindfulness and then teaching mindfulness).
I was awarded the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation’s Trained Teacher Certificate following 2 years of study and supervision. I am now an experienced mindfulness teacher – teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) one-to-one, in small groups and in the workplace. I teach MBCT via three different, evidence-based pathways – with clients choosing the one for them from depending on their time constraints and general circumstances (see below for more details of the 3 pathways).
MBCT has been shown in rigorous clinical studies to be as effective as both antidepressants and CBT for recurrent depression. MBCT has also been shown to have beneficial effects on a wide range of other mental health problems – including stress, worry, anxiety and the suffering caused by chronic pain and incurable conditions. For everyone, other benefits include enhancing concentration and focus, coping skills and resilience.
I also hold the British Psychological Society-approved license (awarded by the. UK College of Mindfulness Meditation) in Mindfulness Now teaching an alternative version of mindfulness-based intervention, in particular designed for bespoke, one-to-one sessions – with each session tailored to whatever the client has experienced in the preceding week and chooses to share in the session.
Choose your pathway:
The evidence-based MBCT programmes
Introduction to Mindfulness
Three weekly sessions of 60 minutes with just 10 minutes of home practice required each day. A perfectly designed introduction to MBCT – this short course is a great way to begin your mindfulness journey – especially if you have little or no prior experience.
The course introduces key evidence-based themes and skills from MBCT which are developed more fully in the longer courses.
For many people this beautifully self-contained course provides just enough mindfulness in their lives now; while for others it serves as a perfect introduction to one of the longer MBCT pathways in which mindfulness themes and practices are explored more deeply,
Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Six weekly 60 minute sessions with 20 minutes home practice each day. This course is ideal for busy people who have limited time for weekly classes and daily mindfulness practice, but still want to experience a complete MBCT pathway.
Finding Peace covers all of the themes and skills of MBCT, but in a more condensed format. It is also ideal for teaching within the workplace, just one example: Finding Peace has been taught successfully in the UK Parliament by Oxford Mindfulness Centre teachers for over 10 years! Cross-party parliamentarians have benefited from this course with reduced stress and enhanced resilience in a demanding work environment.
Mindfulness for Life
A beautifully paced, in depth 8-week pathway, Mindfulness for Life is considered to be the ‘gold standard’ MBCT course for the general public. The many benefits of the 8-week pathway are particularly well-evidenced and many participants after completing the 8 weeks agree that the experience is profoundly life-changing.
Eight 90 minute weekly sessions with 40 minutes home practice. Mindfulness for Life has been developed by the team of distinguished teachers and world-class researchers at the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (formerly the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre) crafting the perfect 8-week mindfulness experience aimed at the general public. Their ongoing research has confirmed the efficacy of the 8-week Mindfulness for Life pathway and participants who have completed the course agree that the experience was transformative experience with lasting benefits.
Tailor-made sessions - just for you - one week at a time
Mindfulness Now
Mindfulness Now
The British Psychological Society-approved blend of Mindulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) & Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- Individualised programme - no fixed number of sessions: learn mindfulness attitudes and skills at your own pace
- Your personalised mindfulness practice recordings to take away for home practice at the end of each session
- Each session content is totally client-focused - mindfulness themes and skills are introduced as appropriate for the client's personal circumstances from week to week